Canyon Lake Island Property Owners Association
Rules and Guidelines
What are the kinds of things that should be discussed on CLI-KP Forum?
Community Association announcements regarding Association-sponsored events and issues, e.g., Christmas Caroling, Community Brunch, Board meetings, etc., or follow-up from meetings.
Security issues and questions, including sightings of a curious nature that might be of concern to other neighbors. If an incident has been reported to the police and you want to share that info, that is a good use of our discussion forum.
Non-emergency issues of the day, e.g., road closures, etc.
Requests for services or business contacts, e.g., does anyone know of a good lawn service, or does anyone have/need a good babysitter, etc.
Suggestions for improvements in the neighborhood.
Responses to neighbors’ questions
Requests for charitable service projects
Local issues of interest
Community issues that may overlap with POA issues, e.g., how can the POAs and the Community work together to ensure maximum safety in the neighborhood
Notes from the general community or emergency readiness meetings (e.g., a security meeting that is held with local police officers), or portions of minutes.
Availability of/desire for tickets to sporting events, etc.
Only really funny LOL jokes (No, just kidding. No jokes are allowed.)
Helpful hints about using our discussion forum:
Make the subject line succinct, so that the purpose of the email message is clear.
PLEASE be judicious in directing replies to everyone when perhaps a direct one-to-one reply will suffice. There is no need to clutter everyone else’s inbox when only a few people (or only the originator of the email) might be interested in the subject at hand.
What things should NOT go on our discussion forum?
No messages or comments that show disrespect towards others. No gossip or airing of dirty laundry and please refrain from sarcasm.
No business advertisements
No religious-based announcements or proselytizing
No specific POA issues, e.g., why does a particular property . . . . . . ?
No political announcements
No personal fundraising other than for Community events, or unless approved by the site moderators (TBD)
The most important thing to note is that the forum is not to be used as an emergency warning system -- if there is a real emergency in the neighborhood, one should phone 911.
Your CLI-KP Community Association
Original rules approved: